Monday, April 28, 2008

An addendum

Okay, I must confess that I've re-taken the typing test several times now and every time my score has been lower than 118 wpm. So I guess I'm a bit of a phony. But the 118 was legit when I got it; I really did.

The good news is that every time I've taken it, I've gotten over 100. So I do find that somewhat fulfilling.

Can you tell it's finals season? The most fulfilling thing in my life is a TYPING TEST.

No, Dad, I'm not wasting precious study time. I'm... "practicing my typing skills so as to better utilize the 3 hour exam slot to its fullest advantage." Hey, now I'm really starting to sound like a lawyer.


stupidramblings said...

51. Although I was kind of miffed that when I clicked on the text-entry field, a pop-up window hijacked my active window, but the timer started anyway. I'm going to have to ask for a recount...

Anonymous said...

In order to maintain some self respect, I will not be revealing my score. In defense, I never had typing training and have managed to hunt and peck my way into a score not recognized by the program. However I talk very fast.

{irene} said...

Dave!!!...que pena que no pudiesemos vernos en NY, pero bueno....lo vas a pasar bomba este verano trabajando en la quinta avenida!...que fuerte! y que suerte!

Sarah H said...

Okay, so I was blown away by your (and Nathan's) typing speeds--until Josh pointed out why you two are both so fast--you're both amazing pianists! That has GOT to be a BIG factor. I better start playing the piano so I can be a better typist. hahah