The people at church seemed really nice today. A few lawyers in the batch, and of course people Rosa and I know from BYU. It's a small Mormon world after all.
Speaking of Mormons, Mike Wallace did an interview with Mitt Romney today on 60 Minutes. Great piece, if you ask me. Romney's a good candidate - I hope he holds up through the primaries. Of course there are a lot of Giuliani fans here in New York. And with Hilary as the senator, I think she's going to get a lot of votes out of this city.
Most of our stuff is all put away. We took our car out to my cousin's house out in Brewster, then took the train back to the city. We're officially car-less. Public transportation all the way, baby.
Off to bed... I start work in the morning. I've got a welcome breakfast, and my "summer sibling" has already invited me out to lunch. I'm sure the work gets harder after that. Wish me luck!
Hey, good luck with that job thing there. You seem like a really nice guy. Cool. Keep me updated on all the happenings and goings-on.
Good luck!!!..It will be an amazing summer!
Congratulations on the move and good luck with the job.
CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!..living in NY and no pictures to post????!!!...I live in Arkansas and I make a post at least every 2 days!!!..haha!!
We are horrible at taking pictures!! In fact, I hate to admit, but I don't think we've even taken ONE yet! We'll get on that for you Irene. :)
Hey Dave and Rosa did you hear Lauren got engaged? We're so excited and happy for her and Andy.
To my hommie's in NYC. It sounds like you are having alot of fun. Take some pic's so we can see stuff... Ya know. Burberry misses you two, she crys in her sleep all the time. Have a fun and safe summer.
Michelle and Greg
Wow, daryl. I think it's time to update. Even MY blog is more updated than yours...
So nice to hear from you Dave!!!..I tought you guys were having so much fun in NY that forgot about blogs, friends and etc....:)...Love you and I will bring tons of tronquitos!!!!.yes!
QUe no me lo creo!!!!!!!!! en NYC!! y yo en Provo...para que veas lo injusta que es la vida! Well, FYI Im going to Spain for a month...so there, now its your turn to be jealous!!!
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